Monday, March 30, 2009

An Introduction

I have been meaning to write about my experiences as a Mariachero, exclusively. This blog is more for my sake than any others; however, I am not going to shy away from any suggestions or criticism of my studies. I want to become a better trumpeter; there, I said it. Understanding that obtaining control and mastery over one's instrument is difficult, I know that I can do it. Therefore, let me, briefly, lay out the plan for this blog:

First, this blog is going to be used not only as a journal of my practice-habits but as a way to reflect on my studies, in real-time. This will give me an opportunity to chronicle my advancement, as well as, hear other suggestions to tighten-up my regime. 

Second, I want to be able to use this blog to connect with other Mariacheros in the blogging community, as well as others who might to work on a few things, musically speaking. 

Lastly, this blog is an experiment; I don't know how this is going to turn out. I am hopeful that this trail will not only help myself but also assist anyone who is struggling with any Maraichi-oriented questions. 

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I am back at it again. I am looking forward for this new page in my trumpet playing.
